Friday, March 16, 2012

--- Would you like some RICE with that?

So it turns out that I'm not as young or as in shape as I thought I was.  Penny and I went to the construction site yesterday.  As we were leaving I specifically made Penny go around the long way so that she wouldn't hurt herself.  I, on the other hand, am tough, and decided I could make the little jump off of the ledge. 
So I did my best ballerina leap off the ledge, like I was Black Swan or something, and heard a distinct CRUNCH come from my right leg when I landed.   
Penny , to her credit, immediately stopped fussing at me when she realized I was really hurt.  We think I tore a muscle in my calf.  Doctor says use RICE, which isn't quite a delicious as it sounds.   RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

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